A Tale of Two Blasters… A Star Wars Holocron Series Review. Check out this 1 of 1 Star Wars Art Card!
The Urge to start this review with a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… or some sort of play on words is strong with this one. We officially made it through 2020! We got to finish Season 2 of the Mandalorian and now we are quickly wanting to scratch our SW itch. So, what do we do? Watch the episodes in order of gross sales at the box office, to change it up? Ole Jack here will tell ya what you all should be doing for the next few months while we wait for the next product/series to come out. In Targets nationwide you have a series called STAR WARS HOLOCRON SERIES 2020 Blaster Box and you should be getting every single one you can get your hands on.
The Specs
This is a 2020 Topps Company product, distributed from Scranton PA.
10 packs plus one commemorative patch card. 61 total cards.
Green, Foilboard, Orange, Purple, Black, Red, Printing Plate(1 of 1)
Adventures of Han Solo (has same parallels except green & foilboard)
Lisghtsabers of the Jedi (has same parallels except green & foilboard)
Charting the Galaxy (has same parallels except green & foilboard)
Autographs, Parallels (Green, Blue, Orange, Purple, Black, Red and Printing Plate)
Dual Autographs, Parallels (Purple, Black and Red)
Triple Autographs, Parallels (Black and Red)
6-Person Autographs Personal Note: F Me! I want one)
Sketch Card- (1 of 1) Autographed by the Artist
The Story
While visiting a long time friend of mine in Fort Worth, TX recently I decided to hold onto the two I could find in stores and open them together. So let’s see how one box to the other matches up.
Disclaimer** So, Ole’ Jack can’t guarantee you will hit a super rare card, this is just what we had pulled out of two boxes.
Box 1 Jack’s Box
3- Charting the Galaxy, no parallels
4- Adventures of Han Solo, no parallels
3- Lightsabers of the Jedi, no parallels
1- Orange /99
4- Green Parallels
5- Foilboards
1- Patch card (Porg)

Evaluation- Not bad, Not Good. I would think this is about a “standard return”
Box 2 Wang’s Box
3- Charting the Galaxy, no parallels
3- Adventures of Han Solo, no parallels
4- Lightsabers of the Jedi, no parallels
5- Green Parallels
5- Foilboards
1- Patch card (Ewok)
1- Sketch Card (See Pics)

Evaluation- Clearly Wang got the better of Ole Jack on this one! He literally now owns a one of a kind star wars memorabilia card!
So for a $22 out the door purchase it is hard to say at this point that these boxes aren’t worth it. The amount of potentially cool SW cards to be pulled are high and not available until this year to be owned. The odds to pull them are “industry standard”. The nostalgia factor is high. The only thing I can really hope for is finding more!